MONKEYWAY - a digital agency for 3D streaming and WEB 3.0 solutions

We do, with our tool GORILLA STREAMING, which is an enhanced version of Pixel Streaming, that’s agnostic to any game engine. More information HERE.

No. MONKEYWAY is the company and GORILLA STREAMING is the best-in-class 3D streaming solution. While the monkey looks after project management, technical support and analytics, the gorilla is laser-focused on streaming 3D apps from any cloud to any device.

TISAX stands for Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange and is an assessment and exchange mechanism for the information security on enterprises, developed by the ENX Association and published by the Verband der Automobilindustrie. In other words, in terms of data security, we’re safe, officially.

No, in the automotive industry we have gained valuable experience in 3D applications, but as with everything else – we never limit ourselves. We are flexible to meet the requirements of any project, we scale with change and we adapt to new developments. Interactive 3D streaming is finding new applications in disparate fields, and we are ready to meet those demands.

Absolutely not. We make sure our global cloud infrastructure has the capacity to handle any number of visitors, whatever the nature of your project. We work with high-performance cloud servers that ensure you will always be live, interactive, and innovative. We hold the keys to the technologies of the future.